June Poll:
In honor of the recent release of the CD Classic Sinatra II-- which we gave away to one lucky reader-- we surveyed visitors to FilmIntuition.Com requesting their dream casting suggestions for the slated Sinatra biopic. And in doing so, we compiled a list of some of the most popular and interesting selections for inclusion in our final poll for the month.Bookmark this on Delicious
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The Question:
A new Martin Scorsese biopic about Frank Sinatra is in the works; which actor would you cast to play Sinatra today?
The Results:
Harry Connick Jr. 24%
Daniel Craig 4%
Johnny Depp 8%
Leonardo DiCaprio 4%
Shia LaBeouf 4%
Jude Law 16%
Ewan McGregor 8%
Robert Pattinson 4%
Chris Pine 12%
Jim Sturgess 0%
Patrick Wilson 4%
None of the Above: Cast An Unknown 12%
Thanks for Voting!
Stay Tuned for July's Poll.
Daniel Craig 4%
Johnny Depp 8%
Leonardo DiCaprio 4%
Shia LaBeouf 4%
Jude Law 16%
Ewan McGregor 8%
Robert Pattinson 4%
Chris Pine 12%
Jim Sturgess 0%
Patrick Wilson 4%
None of the Above: Cast An Unknown 12%
Thanks for Voting!
Stay Tuned for July's Poll.
Let Sinatra Serenade You on iTunes
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