Now On DVD

This week CBS DVD And Paramount Home Entertainment release the second of three seasons of the classic horror television series Friday the 13th-- just in time to tie in with the big screen remake of the original 1980 slasher classic that launched the modern day horror franchise. Packaged in a slim-case the size of one DVD, all twenty-six episodes are released over the course of six discs for this 1988-1989 season.

Centering on "two distant cousins who inherit a shop full of rare and mysterious antiques from an uncle who was killed after making a sinister pact with the devil," the cousins and their new eccentric partner "race against time and fate to retrieve each diabolically cursed item sold from the hexed store before it unleashes its deadly force."

Clocking in at roughly nineteen hours and forty-one minutes and savoring the original 4x3 full-frame aspect ratio and mono stereo sound (with the benefit of closed captioning for the deaf and/or hearing impaired), the series was as Paramount's press release noted, one responsible for bringing back "the serial horror genre to television," with its emphasis on "intense psychological terror and chilling suspense."

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