While a majority of parents are making plans to take their children to see Paramount Pictures' newest family film, Hotel for Dogs when it debuts in theaters nationwide on Friday, January 16-- in Phoenix, AZ, our firemen have decided to bring the movie experience to children who would otherwise be too ill to attend.

Similar to the tag-line of the film which is "no stray gets turned away," heroic Phoenix firefighters took it upon themselves to make sure no child gets turned away in celebrating both the adorable dogs and the book by Lois Duncan.

On the morning of Wednesday, January 14, our city's firefighters arrived in their trucks along with their own four legged best friends to take turns reading from the book to youths who currently find themselves hospitalized with serious illnesses.

Temporarily residing in one of the nation's best recognized medical centers (which focuses directly on healing the youngest members of our population), the firemen arrived to brighten the children's day with fire helmets, books, smiles, and-- of course-- dogs.